Dionex UVD 340U Photodiode Array Detector
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
is a highperformance photodiode array detector
for use with the Dionex Summit™ or
any other modular HPLC system
The design of the detector is optimized
for maximum sensitivity in the UV range
while maintaining sufficient resolution
to distinguish spectra even of closely related compounds
With an average noise level of less than ±5 µAU
(dry cell, 254 nm, 8 nm, 1 s), the UVD 340U provides
the low detection limits required for
reliable quantification of trace-level compounds
The UVD 340U is operated using the
CHROMELEON™ Chromatography Management System
which includes spectra library screening
peak purity analysis, multidimensional signal extraction
and multiple presentation options
Software is not included