Deratech ULTIMA 70 tons.
EUROPE (Central and Eastern)
Year of production: 2023
In good technical condition and fully functional OHL.
Bending length: 2500 mm, pressing force 70 tons.
Year of manufacture 2023
° ESA 875W, 2, 2D graphic controller with automatic calculation of bending sequence, 21.5"
Touch screen
° 4-axis stop X-R-Z1-Z2
Clamping systems for tools
° Wila hydraulic system
Front support arms
° Standard front support arms, manually adjustable in width on a linear rail, height adjustable
by screws, with parking space on the right side
° Single-axis CNC bending aid, height adjustable manually and from front to back using
handwheels. Table of bending aid equipped with brushes. Parking space on the left side
side, equipped with magnets and vacuum cups.
400 mm ram stroke in combination with a 700 mm clear opening.
Linear measuring scale for depth control Y1-Y2 Y1-Y2-X-R
° Two-axis X-R backgauge on ball screws
° 2 fixed front support arms
° Energy-saving E-DRIVE DUAL SERVO
° CNC bombirung
° CE with LazerSafe