Delignie B2 Weighing machine for onions and potatoes
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Two belts system 10 cm and 30 cm
Mechanical scale
For weighing between 5 KG till 50 KG (no gauging / not calibrated)
Mechanical opener
This weighing machine work according the principle that a wide
and a small conveyor will fill the weighing basket.
This weighing basked is connected to the mechanical scale.
In the scale you can select the weight when each conveyors stops.
For example, if your goal weight is 10 kg the wider conveyor stops
when the scale reaches 9 kg.
The last 1 kg will be filled with the small conveyor only.
This small conveyor stops as soon as the scale has reached 10 kg.
The machines starts weighing again after opening of the weighing basket.