
CSO Sirius

Ref : 2689713-13-GO
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : CSO
Model : Sirius
Year(s) : 2016
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Last check : 11 Feb. 2025

Condition Refurbished
Device pc has been upgraded to a fast SSD-card.
Combines placido disk topography with Sheimpflug to-
mography of the anterior segment. Sirius provides infor-
mati on on pachymetry, elevati on, curvature and dioptric
power of both corneal surfaces over a diameter of 12
mm. All biometric measurements of the anterior cham-
ber are calculated using 25 secti ons from the cornea.
Measurement speed reduces the eff ect of eye move-
ment producing a high quality accurate measurement.
In additi on to the clinical diagnosis of the anterior seg-
ment the most common uses are: refracti ve and cata-
ract surgery, an IOL calculati on module is available.
Objecti ve examinati ons provide an accurate measurment
of pupil diameter in scotopic, mesopic and photopic con-
diti ons. When combined with the corneal map they can
be used for refracti ve surgery planning and follow

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Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)