Complete little mogul jelly line
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Short Description :
Complete little mogul jelly line
Year(s) :
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Seller or machines location:
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Complete little mogul jelly line and also for baby pacifier jelly product
with plastic ring, including complete cooking section
with three stainless steel cookers, Kreuter jelly depositor,
injector for plastic ring of baby pacifier,
2 x glucose deposits 1000 Kg each one capacity,
all complete stainless steel parts for production,
moulds for baby pacifiers and other products, packing,
weigher and bagging section including with possibility to sell separately.
Other machines similar to Complete little mogul jelly line
Sollich NT 500, Nougat Tempering line
Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) :
Kreuter Choc-o-mat IS805-C, Enrobing line for pralines
Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Lloveras BCH-55, Drops depositing line for chocolate
Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Carle & Montanari Cavemil 275, Moulding line for chocolate
Location :
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) :
1960, 1970