Candela PicoWay Picosecond Laser Tattoo Removal
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Meet the picosecond laser machine intentionally designed to
work from the inside out.
With this remarkably innovative picosecond laser, you can:
Significantly improve acne scars and wrinkles with a series of quick,
15- to 20- minute treatments, with low downtime.
Treat benign pigmented lesions with 50% clearance after two treatments
(96% of treated discolorations) across a range of skin types
(Fitzpatrick Types II-V).
Treat a wide range of tattoos. Even difficult-to-treat blue and green tattoos.
Treat melasma, nevus of Ota, lentigines and cafe au lait macules (CALMs)
Zoom 532 nm
Red, yellow, and orange tattoo removal (I-III)
Benign pigmented lesions (I-IV)
Melasma (I-IV)
Café au lait Macules (CALMS) (I-IV)
Lentigines (I-IV)
Zoom 1064 nm
Black, brown, green, blue, and purple tattoo removal (I-VI)
Benign pigmented lesions (I-IV)
Melasma (I-IV)
Nevus of Ota (III-IV)
730 nm
Blue and green tattoo removal (II-IV)
Benign pigmented lesions (I-IV)
Lentigines (I-IV)
785 nm
Blue and green tattoo removal (II-IV)
Benign pigmented lesions (I-IV)
Resolve 532 nm, 532 nm HE
Benign pigmented lesions (I-IV)
Wrinkles (I-IV)
Resolve 1064 nm
Benign pigmented lesions (I-IV)
Wrinkles (I-IV)
Melasma (I-IV)
Acne scars (II-V)
Resolve Fusion 532 nm
Benign pigmented lesions (I-IV)