Brother TC-S2C-0
United States (USA)
Reference #44009
Brother TC-S2C-0 CNC Vertical Drill & Tapping Center
X-Axis Travel ......................... 27.6"
Y-Axis Travel ......................... 15.7"
Z-Axis Travel ......................... 11.8"
Distance Between Table and Spindle .... 7.1"-18.9"
Table Size (Fixed Table) .............. 31.5" x 12.6"
Max. Load Weight ...................... 551 Lbs.
Spindle Speeds ........................ 10-10,000 RPM
Spindle Taper ......................... BT 30
Spindle Drive ......................... 10.1 HP/6.7 HP
Rapid Traverse ........................ 1,969 IPM
Cutting Feed Rate (X/Y)................ 0.04-394 IPM
Approximate Machine Dimensions ........ 84" x 112" x 103"
Approximate Machine Weight ............ 5,300 Lbs.
Brother CNC-B00 CNC Control
21-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Inspect in Plant Under Power, Vises Not Included with Machine