BMG NEPHELOstar Galaxy Microplate Nephelometer
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
The NEPHELOstar Galaxy is a laser-based microplate nephelometer
which measures forward light scatter of samples in microplates
and offers laboratories a rapid method for checking drug solubility,
bacterial and fungal growth, quantification of macromolecules,
formation of immunocomplexes, quality control, and more
Features a robust optical system employing a self-monitoring laser diode that offers
adjustable intensity and beam diameter, measurements can be performed in microplate formats up to 384-well
Includes linear and orbital shaking, +5ºC above ambient to 38ºC incubation control,
comes with a computer with Nephelostar Galaxy v.4.10 software installed, monitor,
keyboard and mouse, Injectors are also available, 115/230V, 50/60Hz.