BioMerieux VIDAS, Immunoassay Analyzer
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
1x Mini, VIDAS, Immunoassay Analyzer
Bio Merieux Vidas is an economical solution which can bring productivity gains in your laboratory.
This fully automated immunoassay analyzer is a compact model of the VIDAS system fitted
with in built computer, keypad, and printer.
Bio Merieux Mini VIDAS with Exceptional Performance
The analyzer, which combines exceptional performance and flexibility, utilizes user-friendly software.
Infectious disease assays, coagulation, and immunochemistry assays can all be performed in this instrument.
Mini VIDAS performs assays using ELFA (Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay) technology.
The added advantage is that you can run different parameters in a section at a time.
To carry out the testing procedure, it has two independent compartments with 6 positions each.
The mini VIDAS instrument has no carry over risks and needs only one-point recalibration every 14 days.
You can get accurate results back for most assays in 30 minutes.
Ready-to-use, single-dose reagents, and 30 or 60 tests per package,
and minimal maintenance are other benefits of the Mini VIDAS instrument.