Bandera 5 layers Film blowing machine
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Number of layers 5
Film structure ABCDE
Film Width 3400
Output (Kg/h) 700 depending on materials
Extruder 1 Layer ref: A
Screw diam 1 75mm
Description 1 Gravimetric dosing unit 4 components, AC motor,
lever type screen changer from BD plast
Extruder 2 Layer ref: B
Screw diam 2 65mm
Description 2 Gravimetric dosing unit 4 components, AC motor,
lever type screen changer from BD plast
Extruder 3 Layer ref: C
Screw diam 3 65mm
Description 3 Gravimetric dosing unit 4 components, AC motor,
lever type screen changer from BD plast
Extruder 4 Layer ref: D
Screw diam 4 65mm
Description 4 Gravimetric dosing unit 4 components, AC motor,
lever type screen changer from BD plast
Extruder 5 Layer ref: E
Screw diam 5 75mm
Description 5 Gravimetric dosing unit 4 components, AC motor,
lever type screen changer from BD plast
Head description Available with 2 extrusion heads. One in use, one spare.
IBC with automatic width control vis ultrasonic sensor.
Air ring K design Karat
Die diam (mm) 700
Thickness controll system No
Bubble cage yes
Panel for gussets yes
Take off unit Rotating
Corona treatment No
Rewinder Type Double back to back
Rewinder max reel diameter 1200
Rewinder description antistatic bars
Note Machine has operated for limited amount of time.
Machine is currently dismantled Chiller included but need repair Structure /
Tower not included. We can separately quote design of a
new one Intermediary web puling unit width control E+L web guide
Raw material most commonly used are low density polyethylene (LDPE) and
High density polyethylene (HDPE). These are often used in blends with
other polymers and additives.