Akta FPLC Chromatography System
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
The AKTA FPLC is a preparative liquid chromatography system for fast and easy purification of proteins
The compact and flexible design with an expandable rack allows the use of longer chromatographic columns and automation kits
Features :
Up to 20mL/min flow rate and 5MPa maximum pressure
UPC-900 measures UV-absorption, conductivity and pH (optional)
Includes P-920 system pump
UPC-900 detector
Frac-900 fraction collector
INV-907 valve, M-925 mixer, optical unit with UV and conductivity flow cells
Also comes with a Windows 10 computer with UNICORN software installed,
alternate configurations are available upon request, depending on availability, 100-240V, 50/60Hz.