Aida NC2-110(2) 121 T
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
AIDA NC2-110(2)
Ton 121 T
Bed L-R 74 in
Bed F-B 26.7 in
Stroke 7.08 in
Adjustment 3.54 in
Shut Height 15.7 in
Speed (max) 65 strokes/min.
Speed (min) 35 strokes/min.
OBI Single Double double
Cushions No
Air Clutch (Yes/No) Yes
Dimensions 8'6" lr x 8' fb x 118" tall
Capacity: 121 US Ton
Blanking Capacity: 97 US Ton
Stroke: 7.08"
Speed: 35 - 65
Die Height: 15.7" (sdua over bolster)
Slide Adjustment: 3.54"
Bed Area: 74" lr x 26.7" fb
Slide Area: 53.5" lr x 20.4" fb
Motor: 15 HP
Approx Dimensions: 8'6" lr x 8' fb x 118" tall
Inch / Single / Continuous Modes
Air Clutch and Brake
Air Counter Balance
Light Curtains
Dual Palm Stand
Foot Pedal
T Slotted Ram and Bolster
Command Stamp Press Control