Agilent 7800 ICP-MS
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Key Features & Benefits
Fast and Simple Method Development – ICP-MS MassHunter software
includes preset methods and a Method Wizard
that automates setup based on sample type.
Reduced Sample Preparation –
Standard HMI technology enables direct analysis
of samples containing up to 3% total dissolved solids (TDS)
without dilution, improving efficiency.
Minimized Signal Suppression –
HMI reduces matrix effects, ensuring more accurate results
without the need for matrix-matched calibration standards.
Reliable Interference Removal –
Helium (He) collision mode eliminates polyatomic interferences
under a single set of conditions, simplifying method development.
Wide Dynamic Range for Major and Trace Elements
The Orthogonal Detector System (ODS)
allows simultaneous measurement of high-concentration elements
(100s to 1000s of ppm) and trace analytes
(ppt levels) in a single run,
reducing the need for reanalysis.
Enhanced Productivity –
Optional accessories such as the
Integrated Sample Introduction System (ISIS 3)
and SPS 4 Autosampler increase throughput
while maintaining data quality.