
AB Sciex 6500 Trip Quad LC-MS/MS

Ref : 2705091-18-GO
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : AB Sciex
Model : 6500
Short Description : Trip Quad LC-MS/MS
Year(s) : 2014
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)

Date of Manufacture are: 10/2014, 06/2014, 11/2012
2x units are green cover and 1 is blue

Sciex 6500 Trip Quad LC-MS/MS
Dell Alpha Workstation 2020 Computer w/ Sciex OS, Sciex AL, Chromeleon 7, Xreport, Xcalibur. Monitor, Keyboard , Mouse, Power & Data Cables
2x MS40+ Vacuum Pumps w/ Hoses, Cords, Fittings etc
Dell Alpha Workstation Computer
Shimadzu Prominence LC-20AD XR Pump
Shimadzu Prominence LC-20AD XR Pump
Shimadzu Prominence SIL-20AC XR Autosampler
Shimadzu Prominence CTO-20AC Column Oven
All Power and Data Cables

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Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)