920PF-8 640x920
EUROPE (Western and Northern)
RMGT 920PF-8
Max format: 640x920
Colours: 8
Copies mil. 153
Full optionals exposed DRUPA 2016
Smart FPC: simulchanger plate
PID: Press Information Display
Ink roller temperature control system Technotrans beta.c
R-matic-D remote
Paper fan-out
Electric removal fan
Pneumatic pull side guide
Blower under swing
UV blanket
UV roller
Impression pressure preset system
Ink roller cleaning device for UV
Blanket cleaning device for UV
Stainless jacket after PF
Tape inserter
Air center
200 mm raised up option
PDS-E Spectro Drive
LITHEC inline
PPC Server III
LED-UV system PANASONIC after perfecting and delivery
Available Feb.2025
Visible in Europe in working conditions.