3 Others KERN 658 The conversion line was 658 in 2006, running, 9683505 letters.
RUSSIA and Central Asia
Brand: KERN
The conversion line was 658 in 2006, running, 9683505 letters. The speed of work is up to 8,000 cycles per hour. Type of envelopes - C5 / C65; Work with both infinite forms and sheet documents; for this, the machine has a cutter for cropping to the required format. It is also possible to work with roles. Modular design, compactness and small footprint (less than 3x3 m, including service area). Document management: OMR / BCR; The size of documents: from 77x88 to 320x430 mm (density of 60-240 g / m2); Additional investments: up to 3 additional attachments of A5 or less; The size of the envelope: from 76x162 to 162x248 mm (50-100 g / m2); There are three, identical in function, machines, all fully operational. When buying 3 cars a significant discount is provided.