
11 Tokuoka 199GT Cargo Vessel DWT708t @ 3.35m

Ref : 2651928-10-MT
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Tokuoka
Model : 199GT Cargo Vessel
Capacity : DWT708t @ 3.35m
Year(s) : 1996
Quantity : 11
Location : Seller or machines location:

Tokuoka Shipbuilding with LOA 57.84m x 9.3m.
199GT Cargo Vessel
Built in Japan 1996

DWT708t @ 3.35m
Powered by a AKASAKA T26SKR 1000hp main
with Yanmar 6HAL-TN and Denyo aux with shaft TAIYO generator.
1 steel folding hatch with hold size 30m x 7.2m x 5.2m.
NAKASHIMA TFN-75S Bow Thruster
Next SS due September 2024.
Inspection in Japan by appointment.

Other machines similar to 11 Tokuoka 199GT Cargo Vessel DWT708t @ 3.35m

Location : ASIA (China - Taiwan - HKG)
Year(s) : 1997
Location : ASIA (China - Taiwan - HKG)
Year(s) : 2006
Location : ASIA (China - Taiwan - HKG)
Year(s) : 2004
Location : ASIA (China - Taiwan - HKG)
Year(s) : 1996