
Used Lab Equipment

4,212 results

Used Lab Equipment on Wotol

You will find in our listings all tools and equipment used for research or working in Laboratory.
Every industry need laboratory and all related equipment. It could be different equipment for each industry but in general laboratory need glass ware, analytical instrument, heating system, dryer, cooler, stirrer, measurement instrument and quality control system.
Analytical common used in laboratory:
You can find Chromatography & Mass Spectrometer, Conductivity and Electrochemistry, Microscope, Viscometer/Rheometer, Particle size/counter, Analyzers , Refractrometers/Polarimeters, Infrared/X-Ray Analytical, pH / Turbidity / Conductivity Meters and many more.
For clinical and bio technology used more equipment and some of them are expensive.
There are many brand for laboratory equipment, some of them are: Sartorius, Thermo Fisher Scientific , IKA, Hewlett Packard, Biomed, Shimadzu, GE, Pyrex, Thermo scientific, Agilent, Perkin Elmer, Memert, Ohaus, Mitutoyo, Fisher scientific, VWR, etc.
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